13 things you can learn from your cellphone
1. You can talk with any person if he/she take your call.
2. You can lose your contacts if you are not careful.
3. Every important message can be told in few words.
4. If we talk instead write, we are using more unnecessary words.
5. When you have nothing to do, you can always play some game.
6. You can always change you mask, but you will be same inside.
7. People will admire you more if your face is prettier.
8. If someone is using you everyday, he/she will change you as soon as he/she gets better one.
9. Young ones are usually smarter and prettier but old ones can be more reliable sometimes.
10. No one can be pritiest and the smartest.
11. If you have to sing tonight – save the energy today.
12. More you use vibrator, sooner you'll need someone charge you.
13. Nothing is black-white. Even if something is black and white, it's always some green, yellow or red in the background.
Labels: humor